Hybrid Realities since 1997

Invirt GmbH was founded in 1997 in Berlin as „Laboratory for Media Architecture (LaMA)“ to create spatial experiences by integrating concepts and technologies from architecture and digital media. Since then we have been working with many peoples from different areas for many enterprises, public institutions and artists.

Since 2012, we have focused on consulting on strategies and concepts for mixed-reality environments, most recently in the context of immersive learning.

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We are still working on an update of this site. Stay tuned!

Mixed Reality | Hand Tracking

Naturalienkabinett Heidecksburg

Rekonstruktion des Naturalienkabinetts
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Mixed Reality | Hand Tracking

Bauhaus-Ausstellung im MoMA 1938

Logo der Klassik-Stiftung Weimar
Logo der Klassik-Stiftung Weimar
Museumsbesucherin vor der virtuellen Fassade der historischen Ausstellung (Montage)
Aktionsfläche im Bauhaus Museum Weimar
Virtuelles Modell der Ausstellung im Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1938
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Augmented Reality

Flying Shards (2018)

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Virtual Reality Installation

Daher weht der Wind

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Hochzeitsturm VR

from left to right: Rolf Kruse, Jochen Partsch, Volkmar Hoppe, Ludger Hünnekens

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Interactive Installation

PanoScreen | 360°-Viewer

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Media Architecture

Cidadania – City as Organism

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Media Architecture

Interactive Wall | Berlin

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Media Architecture

BerlinGate | Frankfurt Airport

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